Click on the link below and have a read about the Warriors game on Satuday. Then comment on our Blog using DeBono's thinking hats.

Use DeBonos Thinking hats to respond to  the   article which link is posted
below.  When you post, write which hat or  point of view you are   coming from!
Be sure to justify your responces!  Be sure to use your actual name when posting
so I can mark you off as  participating!

Hat: How do you feel about this? Use your intuition, opinion and emotion! -

Yellow Hat: What is positive about this? What are the benefits? Why would this idea work well? -

Green Hat: What alternatives do you see? Think about this creatively! -

White Hat: What are the facts and information?  

Black Hat: Think logically and critically.
What are the negative aspects of this idea? 

Blue Hat: Think about the big picture? look at this overall.